
Showing posts from January, 2021

My Blog - Canada's Legal System

        Paul’s Paralegal Blog 80 Palmer Rd. Hamilton, Ontario L8T 3E9 Tel: (905) 581-3602 Fax: (226) 216-0126 E-mail:  Web:   This Blog has been created to help people understand the complexity of law,  and of the structure of Canada’s legal system.  Most importantly, how paralegals work within Canada’s legal system.   This first Blog post, was created as an introduction to Canada’s legal system, our laws, and how they work to help us resolve: disputes between individuals, disputes between individuals and business, and disputes between individuals/business and government.   Canada’s Court System First, an explanation of the different courts, administrative boards/tribunals/commissions, and  where they sit within the power structure of Canada’s legal system.  Canada's Court System ( click the image to download  a pdf copy of the courts system map) Different Form...